The Crimson Heads are quite intense, which reminds me make sure to burn all the zombie corpses in places that you will frequent often (you can thank me later).
There are a few new enemies to contend with, as well as all the original ones. There's nothing like running down a dark hallway after being scared out of your mind from a zombie to jumping at the sound of thunder in the distance. The soundtrack is amazing from music to ambience. The story is expanded upon and more things are added it while keeping most of the original work, although it does change up quite a few things which is nice because you expect something to happen because it did in the original game but instead something entirely different takes place, keeping it new and fresh for us longtime fans. The gameplay is a lot better than the original, and just as frustrating but in that good kind of way if you know what I mean. Of course graphics have gotten a lot better than this since, but unlike the original it does hold up greatly.
The graphics are much better, and still hold up to this day considering this is a 2002 Gamecube Port. While the original 1996 version was an amazing game, and my first foray into the Survival Horror Genre, this game is far superior in many ways. Hollywood could use a few lessons when it comes to video games in many ways.
Games get it right when it comes to remakes (or at least most of them do).